Looking in the Mirror

Spiritual Revelations for those seeking Humanity in Humans ~~CordieB.

Archive for pain

Friday Flash 55 – Venom

Venom by !DagoDesign on Deviant Art

Venom by !DagoDesign on Deviant Art

Vicious words spit from
the venomous tongue
are far more deadly
than the bite of a
poisonous snake…
for at least
 the snake’s
can be mutated
the bite of the
poisonous tongue quickly,
and deliberately
the spirit-
the venomous tongue
often leaves
 permanent damage
to the hearts of the multitude


Submitted for the G-Man’s, AKA, Mr. Knowitall, Fabulous Friday Flash 55.

Quote for the Day:  Sticks and Stones may Break my Bones, but Words Hurt Long After the Initial Blow.  ~CordieB.

In reality, words can and often do hurt.  However, the spiritual individual is able to counter hurtful or false words with self knowledge and truth.  The spiritual individual will not allow the ego to manefest the hurtful words in his or her heart; for she or he knows the beauty in their being and the truth in their hearts.   Also, those who live by the spirit, will not spit hateful words to others or himself.  For it is the ego that constantly battles with the spirit to speak hurt, hatred or falsehood, in order to make the ego feel good about itself.   Remember when mom told you that kids teased you in order to make them feel big – well she was correct in her wisdom.  Some adults have not grown beyond their childhood and continue to tell lies or  say hurtful things simply to make themself look big by making others look small.  It is sad actually – the insecurities and fears of some people.   The next time you are tempted to say or speak a hurtful word, remind yourself that it is your ego and insecurities which tempt you to do so.  Beckon the love, truth and wisdom of your spirit to manifest itself.  When we practice walking and talking in the way of our core self (spirit),  and what we know to be true in our hearts, we will neither utter nor absorb hurtful and/or false words. 

~Peace, Light and Love…..CordieB.

The Shadow of Human Nature


Excerpted from The Book of Secrets, Deepak Chopra.

In 1971, students at Stanford University were asked to volunteer for an unusual experiment in role playing. One group of students was to pretend they were prison guards in charge of another group who pretended to be prisoners.  Although it was understood that this was make-believe, a jail setting was provided, and the two groups lived together for the duration of the experiment.  According to the plan, everyone would play their roles for two weeks, but after only six days the prison experiment had to be terminated. The reason? The boys, chosen for their mental health and moral values turned into sadistic, out-of-control guards on the one hand and depressed victims of exorbitant stress on the other. The professors conducting the experiment were shocked but couldn’t deny what had occurred. The lead researcher, Philip Zimbardo, wrote: "My guards repeatedly stripped their prisoners naked, hooded them, chained them, denied them food or bedding privileges, put them into solitary confinement, and made them clean toilet bowls with their bare hands." Those who didn’t descend to such atrocious behavior did nothing to stop the ones who did. (The parallel with infamous acts by American prison guards in Iraq in 2004 prompted Zimbardo to bring the Stanford experiment back to light after more than thirty years.) There was no extreme to which the student guards would not resort short of outright physical torture, Zimbardo mournful recalls, "As the boredom of their job increased, they began using the prisoners as their playthings, devising ever more humiliating and degrading games for them to play. Over time, these amusements took a sexual turn, such as having the prisoners simulate sodomy on each other. Once aware of such deviant behavior, I closed down the Stanford prision."

Where did this runaway abuse come from? For comforts sake, we usually say that it exists in a few "bad" apples," but the Stanford experiment suggests something more disturbing: Evil exists in everyone as a shadow, for the person is a counter to the shadow of evil, of course, and if we return to our list of shaping forces on consciousness, each person would exhibit a different map of influences. But if you are fortunate enough to have made choices on the good side of the equation, you must still acknowledge that the shadow exist in you somewhere.

The shadow was formed by the same everyday situations that shape our consciousness, and it is released by new situations that parallel them. If you were abused as a child, being around children can bring up those old memories. The Stanford experimenters devised a list of conditions that cause people to do things we’d call evil, or at the very least alien to our true selves.

For further reading, go to  Evil is Not your Enemy, Part I or Evil is not your Enemy Part II

Have a super weekened!

A Spiritual Riddle – Agecstany

Photo courtesy of  antonioh223 – All rights reserved.

 We come into your life with many ups and downs;
Through the calmness and strife, we bring smiles and frowns

We are your constant companions, thick as thieves, through thick and thin
Through the valleys and mountains, sometimes you loose; but as long as you breath, always you win

We are the sunshine that puts a bright smile upon your face;
But we are also the rain that can snatch it all away – both in grace.

Some say it’s not about wining or loosing, but how one plays the game
Learn to embrace your winnings; yet live with the losses without going insane

Be thankful and learn from the darkness, for until you do
You may find more of the same darkness will surely come to you

The bitter-sweetness of our existence has made many men wonder
Yet without our zestful spirit; there would be no need to ponder

Imagine the bordom and ennui without our existence
Life’s challenges and chances would cease without our essense

Do you not realize that we are one – we always travel hand and hand, together
We both were with you when your spirit turned human – and will be with you forever

When you’re on top of the clouds or swimming in the deepest depths of the dark seas
Either of us can open your door of challenge or opportunity – but only You hold the keys

For we always travel as a pair; forever married are we;
Perhaps you know us personally, we are Agony and Ecstasy – Agecstany

~By CordieB.


Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Now beside my bed I Kneel
I Pray the Lord My Soul to Heal
If God can take away this pain
I vow to love myself again

Now beside my bed I cry
My soul is heavy; I know not why
for whatever mistakes I may have made
My burdens have long ago been paid

I will Will my heart again
to love freely; even through pain
I will Will my heart again
to sing again in gentle rains

I will Will my mind again
to accept love from which it flows
to love myself unconditionally
What’s of tomorrow; no one knows

Now I lay me down to sleep
Although I cry; and though I weep
I’m thankful that should I awake
New beginnings arise with dawn’s day break

~By CordieB
I was inspired to write this poem after reading a poem written by Paisley , entitled depression’s prayer .  I’m happy to know all is well with her – as time heals all wounds.

Peace, Light and Love, CordieB.