Looking in the Mirror

Spiritual Revelations for those seeking Humanity in Humans ~~CordieB.

Thankful Thursday

After seeing the news today and viewing the awful incident involving George Sodini who shot into a gym, murdering 3 woman and injuring 9 before killing himself, I have decided to begin posting 5 things I am greatful for on Thursdays.  Sometimes in life, it helps to remind ourselves of what we are greatful for, and not put so much thought and reverence into that which we feel we lack.  Expressing gratitude sends out a message to the universe that you are thankful, and you will draw to you that more to be thankful for, like a magnet.   Don’t you give more to those who reflect thanks than those who reflect anguish when you you offer them something???  It’s one of  the basic universal laws!  Misery attracts misery and joy attracts joy!

There are so many things I am thankful for today.   Reflecting back has made me realize some things I feel thankfull for changes each day,  as some things about me change—while other things remain stagnant. I believe we can see how we are growing; what we are knowing, etc. by what are greatful for.

I urge you to list five things in your life for which you are thankful.  You’d be surprized how much this list can tell you about yourself and your frame of mind.

Here’s my five for today:

I am thankful that I have people in my life who expect certain tings of and from me, but truly love me regardless…whether I live up to those expections or not…uncondiionally…and the feelings are mutual.

I am thankful to be gainfully employed and earn enough to take care of myself and my son, and to share with others every now and then too. 🙂

I am especially thankful that my mind is not tormented with anger, resentment, sadness and dispair that I see and read about so often.

I am thankful that my words might calm or inspire one person who may be feeling that anger, resentment, sadness, or dispair today.

I am thankful that I have grown to find enormous joy in the so called “little things” like a red rose, a butterfly, or the wind blowing through my hair. These “little things” are far bigger than anything man has ever created, and I often wonder why they are referred to as little things in the first place; as they are oh so grand!!!

I intended to limit my list to 5, but I have one more that I just have to list…I am thankful for the icecream sandwitch my Gee just brought over ot me!! ooom, yummy…:) 

So, what are you greatful for today? I’d love to know.

Peace, Light and Love. . . Cordieb.


  naysue wrote @

Such a shame that you’re only thankful on Thursdays! lol I just read this book that suggests we write down several things that we’re thankful for everyday. Today…I’m thankful for finding your blog! 😉

  cordieb wrote @

@Naysue. I agree, it would be most beneficial to write down several things we are thankful for each day….for those who do not like writing at all, saying them out loud brings forth a certain affirmation and transformation in our thought process. When we stress on the positive, we leave little room for that which we may feel is negative. Thanks for visiting. I’m thankful for your most humorous and delightful comment. 🙂

  tumel wrote @

Hi Cordieb, after reading this I feel thankful for the internet, and that there are posts of thankfullness on it like this:) I cannot help but wonder if maybe things would have been different for him had he seen such a post when on.

  SurfaceEarth wrote @

Wow, i’ve been thinking so much about energy and what we do with it, knowing some posts I have put up may be more negatively drawn and yet wanting to bring to light what is important.


How funny I stop in today to see you posted on a different use of energy. Why am I not surprised?

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