Looking in the Mirror

Spiritual Revelations for those seeking Humanity in Humans ~~CordieB.

Archive for bible

Spritual Riddle…I am the Greatest Spirit of All!

~Love Tames.  CordieB.

~Love Tames. CordieB.

I am kind and patient; not boastful or proud…

I am all knowing, yet humble; not boisterous or loud

I am secure in my stead; not untrusting or jealous

I keep no scores of bad deeds;  I’m forgiving….unrebellious

I am thankful for mine; of your’s I’m not envious

I don’t hold resentment to ferment my soul…

In-line with my spirit, it is compassion I hold!

I’m not judgmental; I allow others to be…

That which they are; so their souls might be free

Knowing we all are created from the same mighty force

Good, bad or indifferent; of the same Holy source!

I rejoice in the truth; refrain from deception…

Persevere with great hope, amid pain or rejection.

Not easily angered, remaining kind and protective…

Willing to look closely at life from another’s perspective.

I am the foundation of all Creation thereof…

I’m the most powerful, unfailing, Spirit of all

…I Am the Spirit of Love…

~Written by CordieB, Inspired by 1st Corinthian’s 13 and of course….. Love.

Quote for the Day:  When I was a child, I talked like a child; I thought like a child; I reasoned like a child. As I grew, I put childish ways behind me. Then I saw but a poor reflection, as in a mirror. Now I see face to face. Then, I knew only in part. Now I know fully and I am fully known.

And now these three remain…




But the greatest of these is…


~1 Corinthians 13, The Bible

Another Quote:  Knowing is realizing we don’t know it all ~CordieB.

Peace, Light and Love….

Effective Love

Mother and Daughter Relationship ~CordieB

Imagine if You Will . . .

If all little girls were loved by their mothers . . .

If all little boys were loved by their dads . . .

Perhaps the world would be a better place, perhaps?

Is this not how the Bible teaches us that God loves us,

Yet .  . .the world is not a better place.


Because for love to be effective in making our world better, there must be a relationship.

A relationship involves relating–communicating, and sharing of ourselves others.

Love from afar without any form of relationship bonding

is about as ineffective in making the world a better place as hatred.

Are not we all made of God? . . . Is God not inherit in each of us?

In order that we build a loving relationship with God, we must build relationships with ourselves and other human beings.

We must build  loving relationships with inhabitants of the Earth. 

Not to a far away supreme being in the sky.

~~Written by CordieB.

African-American Grandmothers ~Written by CordieB

Cordieb and BabyCocoa

Cordieb and BabyCocoa

I’m reposting this due to an interesting blog posting I read today on RawDawgB’s blog, entititled, "When the grandmomma’s gone "   Now, if you’ve been blogging with me for some time, you will know that I judge people for themselves, not based on color, religion, sex, or anything else.  But this topic is based on stats – and I’d appreciate any feedback you might offer, no matter your race, creed, or nationality.  Please be frank and honest with your opinions; however any opinion that are based on racisim or hatred will be deleted as they were on the first posting.  Peace, Light and Love . . . . CordieB. 

Why is it that African-American women tend to take care of their extended families and non-families more so than our caucasion sisters.   I visited my Aunt (who is 70+)  last weekend, and was amused, as always, at her streangth and her many stories of days gone by.  While I was there, two of her great- grand children were preparing to eat.   Now, my aunt, who is 70+ has raised her children, some of her grand children; and now – God bless her soul, she is raising two of her great grands!  These children are still in elementary school!   She receives very little assistance, –other than finacial help from her son who lives with her.    Most of the physical and emotional tolls all fall on her.  This same woman took care of my grand mother when she became too old to care for herself.  She would not have ever thought of putting Granny in a nursing home.  She took care of me when my mother passed away  (And I thank her for it).  She has taken in so many people with hard luck situations, and hardly ever complains.  But what’s so amazing about her is that she is the norm among African-American woman 50 years of age and older.  Now, some may feel that this is a myth or a belief that is not based on fact.   I made this observation based upon people whom I’ve encountered (my family, my friends)– and true enough, there are studies that show this to be true –  see below: 

Goodman and Silverstein (2001) found that compared to grandmothers of other ethnic groups, African American grandmothers were more likely to have more life satisfaction and lower negative affect. However, further empirical research has pointed to other reasons that suggest the issue of grandparents as caregivers for their grandchildren is especially relevant for African Americans. In the United States, the largest percentages of children living in a grandparent headed household are African American (Pebley & Rudkin, 1999; Pinson-Millburn & Fabian, 1996; Fuller-Thompson & Minkler, 2000; Caputo, 2001). Studies have found that compared to White grandparents who are caregivers to their grandchildren, African American parenting grandparents are more likely to be unemployed, live below the poverty line, and have more grandchildren for whom they provide care (Sands & Goldberg-Glen, 2000). Similarly, others have found that living beneath the poverty line, being African American, and being single raises the probability of becoming a grandparent who is a caregiver to their grandchildren (Roe & Minkler, 1998). Fuller-Thompson

To read the entire study, see http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/tlmills/pub/Mills%20Publications/Mills,%20Gomez%20Smith%20&%20DeLeon_Grandparents.pdf

If you read the whole report you will see that among grandmothers raising grandchildren, African-American grandmothers make up for 69 percent of the total. 

Now back to the question.  Why?  I have more than a few answers of my own, but the best one that I can give is because we are expected to. 

Now expecting a 70 year to raise an elementary school aged child is nothing to brag about–in fact it is ludicrous.  I find  this type of expectation is what oftentimes leaves whole generations without proper guidance and discipline.   Where are the mothers? God only knows where the fathers are.  What are we teaching our children when we give them the expectation that we will always be there for them and for their’s-no doubt.  How many borderline unfit mothers would straighten up if we threatened to call social services and not do the work ourselves? 

Now I know that I might pee a lot of my beautiful people off by saying this; afterall – it’s not only that we are expected, we also have those spiritual virtues of love, caring, and being responsible for others who are less fortunate. 

However, love sometimes has to be learned the hard way.  Caring means, sometimes no matter how hard it might be, we step back and let our children or friends actually pass the grade and not do the work for them.   By doing the work for them, we are making  a contribution to a new generation of ignorance and complacency.

The Bible says, give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime. 

There is a difference between helping and "enabling."    Enabling is a term that I, until recently, only associated with addiction.  However, when we allow self sufficient adults to become totally dependent upon us, we are not helping them at the least.   In fact, we are enabling them to become addicted to a cycle of dependency.

We can’t stop this cycle overnight.  But we can stop it by gradually putting our foot down and not allowing people to make so many unhealthy and unloving demands on us. 

We have to again teach our children and our neigbors self-sufficency by providing tough love–that which will have lasting and significant assistance. 

Peace, Light and Love. . . CordieB

Photo Friday – “Religion”

This Week’s Photo Friday topic is entitled: Religion

There is Wisdom in the Word ~CordieB.

This is my son, Samuel, reading Book of Samuels in the Holy Bible. 


Marcus, my nephew, and Marquese, My Grandson – Children are such a Joy!

. . . . And such is the Kindom of Heaven. 

When I see the joy in the eyes of the children; I am automatically transported to Heaven.  ~CordieB.

To see this weeks photos in the larger size, simply click on the image.  As you can see, my page design does not allow for large prints.   

Please click on these links to see everyone eles’s beautiful photo’s displaying "Religion."

Curious State of Affairs


Just for fun

Curious C

Sky Windows



To join in on the fun, click on the pink Photo Friday box above.