Looking in the Mirror

Spiritual Revelations for those seeking Humanity in Humans ~~CordieB.

Archive for Dreams

Thankful Thursday

Hello fellow bloggers.  It has been some time since I’ve put pinky to keyboard to blog; but I’ve decided it is time to open up my creativity once more.  And what a better day, than on a Thankful Thursday! 

I am thankful to be able to love, and love again

I am thankful that heartache, heartbreak, and pain

Do not diminish my ability to love, and love again

I am thankful that love still can make me feel whole

I am thankful that pain has not made me turn cold

to a world filled with darkness, I’m blessed to filter the light

I am thankful for love, in the darkness of night

I am thankful that fear has not kept me immobilized

That fear has not kept me victimized

To strife…

Insteead, Love has kept me energized,  invigorated

motivated, and hypnotized

to Life!

Peace, Life and Love,


Friday Flash Friday 55 – Beliefs ~CordieB.



The following poem is submitted for the fabulous Friday 55, hosted by none other than the G-Man, AKA, Mr. Know it All.  I’m about an hour late on my submission, but I hope someone still finds it beneficial on any day of the week.  🙂  Here ’tis…

©2004-2009 *tigsie17

©2004-2009 *tigsie17





Our life is a mirror reflecting our beliefs

Whether laced with joy or riddled with grief

We can only see what we believe real

What we don’t believe can’t be revealed

Change your belief system and you will see

Changed beliefs manifest into reality

Remove the false veil of impossibilities

Infuse your imagination into actualities


~Written by Cordieb.


For more information on beliefs, feel free to download the following free Ebooks. You don’t have to sign in or provide your email address or anything – simply click, download, and it’s yours… free! 

Free EBooks!  Click Here

Let me know what you think! 

Peace, Light and Love!  CordieB.

Looking in the Mirror

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