Looking in the Mirror

Spiritual Revelations for those seeking Humanity in Humans ~~CordieB.

Archive for spiritual riddle

Thankful Thursday…I am the Sin of Grave Covetousness


1.  Today I am thankful that my pain is subsiding.

2.  Today I am thankful that I have a good man who deals with my pain in a supporting, loving manner.

3.  Today I am thankful that my chidlren are doing well.

4.  Today I am thankful for the warmth of the summer.

5.  Today I am thankful that my fever is subsiding.


Spiritual Riddle

I am the sin of grave covetousness

Bound to mine own self righteousness

Neglecting inner consciousness…

for all my mind craves to possess

I’m the root of imbalance in the land

As visioned pleasures I expand

Amid the poor and weakened man

To whom I dare not lend a hand…

Convincing self in false delight

that I deserve all in my plight…

What I consume is mine own right…

as daytime surely follows night…

The sad thing is I’m never filled,

as nothing ever quite fulfills

the hollow heart that slowly kills

my soul by short lived external thrills…

Hoarding  more than I  need

can’t quench the thirst of  internal needs

with a starving soul and a heart that bleeds…

and decayed root bearing no fruit nor seed…

because one foolishly concedes 

to me,  (Who Am I – Click Below for Riddle Answer)

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Another spiritual riddle – I hold the key to unshackle resentment

FoRgIvENeSs by =deadlybuterfly

FoRgIvENeSs by =deadlybuterfly

I can clear one’s mind to move beyond

Perceived misdeeds occuring in time now gone

I can free the mind of duplicitous locks

Evading spirit with mental blocks

Blocks and Locks preventing joy and pleasure

From freely roaming at their leasure

I hold the key to unshackle resentment

That tricks one’s mind out of contentment

I can relieve the body, mind and spirit

Of  inequities which, in reality, presently, hold no merit

Weaved deception and rejection I shall unweave

Derived from Love; empathy I conceive

I can release one’s spirit of the heavy weight

That dims one’s soul; unravelled fate

I empower the anquished breath to exhale serenity

I inspire the soul to dance in bliss with eternity

A humble spirit; yet many find me hard to possess

With love, I discard all trespasses

Compassion brings forth my blessedness

I am…

click below for riddle  answer

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Spirtual Riddle – A Very Strong Force Am I

I am one of the strongest forces known to man.

I can cause you to wake up early every morning, although you have no place to go;

I can cause you to consistently be late for work, your dates, appointments, meetings and very important events;

I am so strong that going against my will may cause you to feel disconnected, aloof, and oftentimes confused and dazed.

I am so powerful that I often cause you to eat when you are not hungry and drink when you are not thirsty.

So powerful is my force, I am why you may call mom, dad, or your best friend each Sunday afternoon, faithfully.

If you want to use me for your good, try mastering me for 28 days.  I might prove to be just what you need, indeed.

 Who am I?

I am the Force of Habit.
By:  CordieB

Quote for the Day – In order to see a different results – one must practice different habits.  ~CordieB.

Spiritual Riddle – It’s the little things…

speaking of joy by ~marielliott

speaking of joy by ~marielliott

I am the soft tickle of bubbles blown in the air
I am the wind gently billowing through each strand of your hair
I am the lucky discovery of a lone four-leaf clover
I am the ecstasy of the first kiss from a new-found lover
I am the the amazed eyes upon the first look…
Of newborn babe, straight from mommy’s nook

I am the amused, confused on a roller coaster ride
I am the quiet majestic of the ascending tide
I am sweet rain gently falling to the ground
I am the whispers of the leaves heard without  sound
I am that which comes so often; yet we don’t understand…
the blessed dawn, as sunlight blankets the land

I’m seen in the stars, shining ever so bright
I’m heard in the voices of lovers each night
I’m felt in the kiss of a rose on a nose…
and the sweet, sweet aroma of that fragrant rose

I am laughter on hindsight of not going berserk
I am a hug and fresh sheets after a long day’s work;
The sun peaking through the clouds after a pouring rain storm
The rainstorm after a drout of love transformed
I’m more valuable than all riches, and everything
I exist in the little things and what they bring

I am the sensation of a Popsicle on a hot summer’s day
I am the innocence of life and love in children’s play
I am an Angel, often found in the eyes of a girl or a boy
I am most mystical, not egotistical, yet so simplistical…
I am….. (click below for riddle answer) 🙂

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