Looking in the Mirror

Spiritual Revelations for those seeking Humanity in Humans ~~CordieB.

Archive for Art

Friday Flash Friday 55 – Beliefs ~CordieB.



The following poem is submitted for the fabulous Friday 55, hosted by none other than the G-Man, AKA, Mr. Know it All.  I’m about an hour late on my submission, but I hope someone still finds it beneficial on any day of the week.  🙂  Here ’tis…

©2004-2009 *tigsie17

©2004-2009 *tigsie17





Our life is a mirror reflecting our beliefs

Whether laced with joy or riddled with grief

We can only see what we believe real

What we don’t believe can’t be revealed

Change your belief system and you will see

Changed beliefs manifest into reality

Remove the false veil of impossibilities

Infuse your imagination into actualities


~Written by Cordieb.


For more information on beliefs, feel free to download the following free Ebooks. You don’t have to sign in or provide your email address or anything – simply click, download, and it’s yours… free! 

Free EBooks!  Click Here

Let me know what you think! 

Peace, Light and Love!  CordieB.

Looking in the Mirror

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A Spiritual Riddle – by CordieB

 My creativity has been at a stall here of late. Perhaps it’s the zoids and pain killers I’ve been taking… In any event, I don’t seem to be able to focus long enough to write anything,  so, I thought I’d share something I wrote some time ago. . .   Blessings to all of you….


Photo courtesy of Jason McKim and is licensed under the Creative Commons 

I can be cold as the bluest, hottest ice
And hot as the bluest, fiercest fire. . .
I’m a false reflection of a conceptional misconception
Whatever your limited or infinite mind’s desire

You listen to my loud, yet gentle vibration
You believe me fully with no hesitation . . .
You see me with all colors of the beautiful rainbow
Is that really all the colors? Will you ever know?
Only if you can let me go. . .

I’m young and younger, black and blacker
Smart and wise. A genius. A true catalytic cracker
Beautiful, and most beautiful – is there really such a thing?
Breath in the melody that I most wonderfully sing!

I can be red, yellow, or indigo blue
Although I’m real in essence, I’m never the truth,
I’m at your worst, completely false;
Incomplete at your best; a simple impulse.

I can be joyfully sorrowful and sorrowfully glee, too.
But, whatever I am, I’m always completely real to you.
Do you feel me! Do you get my point!
Do you smell my noise? Can you hear my funk!
Can you see my darkness? Can you touch my light!
Can you smell my vision? Can you taste my sight!

Can you smell the painful pleasure, 
Can you taste the agony of the estasy?
No matter what, I’m always YOUR reality;
I am in you and you are in me.
If you change your perspective.
I’ll change mine– as your’s reflective.

I am oh so evil, and yet so kind
The world would be nothingness if I were blind.
But, maybe not-how dare I say?
And now I lay me down to pray . . .

I pray that you free me every then and now
From your dear self, for this I vow . . .
Will free you from hypocrisies
And all the false analogies. . .
From judgements, prejudices, anger and hatred …
These no longer exist, once I am emancipated.

My negation gives you insight, free and clear
Of a far away place that is yet so near
If you could release my blessed curse and damned grace
And move beyond object, time and space
For that brief moment in that sphere
You’ll sense a unity so crystal clear
Even beyond your limited, infinite imagination
Who am I, I am simply . . .

(click below for riddle answer)

Read the rest of this entry »

Spritual Riddle…I am the Greatest Spirit of All!

~Love Tames.  CordieB.

~Love Tames. CordieB.

I am kind and patient; not boastful or proud…

I am all knowing, yet humble; not boisterous or loud

I am secure in my stead; not untrusting or jealous

I keep no scores of bad deeds;  I’m forgiving….unrebellious

I am thankful for mine; of your’s I’m not envious

I don’t hold resentment to ferment my soul…

In-line with my spirit, it is compassion I hold!

I’m not judgmental; I allow others to be…

That which they are; so their souls might be free

Knowing we all are created from the same mighty force

Good, bad or indifferent; of the same Holy source!

I rejoice in the truth; refrain from deception…

Persevere with great hope, amid pain or rejection.

Not easily angered, remaining kind and protective…

Willing to look closely at life from another’s perspective.

I am the foundation of all Creation thereof…

I’m the most powerful, unfailing, Spirit of all

…I Am the Spirit of Love…

~Written by CordieB, Inspired by 1st Corinthian’s 13 and of course….. Love.

Quote for the Day:  When I was a child, I talked like a child; I thought like a child; I reasoned like a child. As I grew, I put childish ways behind me. Then I saw but a poor reflection, as in a mirror. Now I see face to face. Then, I knew only in part. Now I know fully and I am fully known.

And now these three remain…




But the greatest of these is…


~1 Corinthians 13, The Bible

Another Quote:  Knowing is realizing we don’t know it all ~CordieB.

Peace, Light and Love….

Jump Back Juicy


Art – Tree of life,  By Keith Haring ,  1985

The following poem was written in response to Simply Snicker’s  poetry prompt.  This week’s (Through May 10th) prompt prompts us to use the words, Jeer , Jump and Just in our poems. 

Also, we are celebrating the life of American pop artist Keith Haring , who was born on May 4, 1958.  A sample of his wonderful art is shown above.   Also, visit his site.  He was a most wonderful artist.

In light of the light-hearted, yet meaningful and deeply spiritual,  nature of Keith Haring’s art. .. I thought I’d try a little light hearted poetry to accompany his work.  Of course a spiritual lesson is spinned in the words too–I think.  Anywho…

Jump Back Juicy

Jump back Juicy, have no fear

Just becuz they jab and jeer

can’t you see the time is near…

when yo eyes seez crystal clear

Jump back Juicy, dry those eyes

look into the bright blue skys

nature’s bout to make allies

of those boys who make you cry

Jump back Juicy; have no doubt

You’ze about to step on out

You’ze beginning now to sprout

Ain’t no need to worry bout

Nothin that those boys a saying

they just boys who likes a playing

pretty soon they be prayin

for the comfort of yo laying…

Jump back Juicy, let’s go play

it’s another pretty day

Picked you flowers round the way

What’s yo real name anyway…?

~Written by CordieB.

Quote for Today:   All things blossom in due time.  ~CordieB.

I have a feeling you are in the mist of blossoming right now~  Just you wait and see!

Peace, Light and Love. . . CordieB.