Looking in the Mirror

Spiritual Revelations for those seeking Humanity in Humans ~~CordieB.

Archive for Abuse

Thankful Thursday

Hello fellow bloggers.  It has been some time since I’ve put pinky to keyboard to blog; but I’ve decided it is time to open up my creativity once more.  And what a better day, than on a Thankful Thursday! 

I am thankful to be able to love, and love again

I am thankful that heartache, heartbreak, and pain

Do not diminish my ability to love, and love again

I am thankful that love still can make me feel whole

I am thankful that pain has not made me turn cold

to a world filled with darkness, I’m blessed to filter the light

I am thankful for love, in the darkness of night

I am thankful that fear has not kept me immobilized

That fear has not kept me victimized

To strife…

Insteead, Love has kept me energized,  invigorated

motivated, and hypnotized

to Life!

Peace, Life and Love,


A Spiritual Riddle – by CordieB

 My creativity has been at a stall here of late. Perhaps it’s the zoids and pain killers I’ve been taking… In any event, I don’t seem to be able to focus long enough to write anything,  so, I thought I’d share something I wrote some time ago. . .   Blessings to all of you….


Photo courtesy of Jason McKim and is licensed under the Creative Commons 

I can be cold as the bluest, hottest ice
And hot as the bluest, fiercest fire. . .
I’m a false reflection of a conceptional misconception
Whatever your limited or infinite mind’s desire

You listen to my loud, yet gentle vibration
You believe me fully with no hesitation . . .
You see me with all colors of the beautiful rainbow
Is that really all the colors? Will you ever know?
Only if you can let me go. . .

I’m young and younger, black and blacker
Smart and wise. A genius. A true catalytic cracker
Beautiful, and most beautiful – is there really such a thing?
Breath in the melody that I most wonderfully sing!

I can be red, yellow, or indigo blue
Although I’m real in essence, I’m never the truth,
I’m at your worst, completely false;
Incomplete at your best; a simple impulse.

I can be joyfully sorrowful and sorrowfully glee, too.
But, whatever I am, I’m always completely real to you.
Do you feel me! Do you get my point!
Do you smell my noise? Can you hear my funk!
Can you see my darkness? Can you touch my light!
Can you smell my vision? Can you taste my sight!

Can you smell the painful pleasure, 
Can you taste the agony of the estasy?
No matter what, I’m always YOUR reality;
I am in you and you are in me.
If you change your perspective.
I’ll change mine– as your’s reflective.

I am oh so evil, and yet so kind
The world would be nothingness if I were blind.
But, maybe not-how dare I say?
And now I lay me down to pray . . .

I pray that you free me every then and now
From your dear self, for this I vow . . .
Will free you from hypocrisies
And all the false analogies. . .
From judgements, prejudices, anger and hatred …
These no longer exist, once I am emancipated.

My negation gives you insight, free and clear
Of a far away place that is yet so near
If you could release my blessed curse and damned grace
And move beyond object, time and space
For that brief moment in that sphere
You’ll sense a unity so crystal clear
Even beyond your limited, infinite imagination
Who am I, I am simply . . .

(click below for riddle answer)

Read the rest of this entry »

A Gentle Spirit – Spiritual Riddle – By CordieB

The Eye of God - Courtesy of CordieB

The Eye of God - Courtesy of CordieB

There is a comfort about me

Allowing the soul to rest

Leaving no room for feelings of uncertainty or emptiness

There is a peace of mind I bring . . .

Whenever my essense surrounds

which is more valuable than all riches

I am where home can be found . . .

You will feel God must have placed you here

And left you in comfort . . . knowing you are where

 you are loved; you are free . . .

You are just where you are suppose to be . . .

You you are welcomed; you are true

You are incredibly, honestly, gloriously You. . . .

I bring. . .. warm blankets of security covering

the body, mind, and spirit

without feelings of  smothering

or fears of dreaded unknowing

I give a simple easiness

leaving no unexplained longing

Who am I. . . Click below for riddle answer . . .

Read the rest of this entry »

December is AIDS Awareness Month (Re-Posting)

HIV test result in hand. At an HIV and AIDS clinic in Lilongwe, Malawi.   Photo Courtesy of Shawn Hawkeye http://www.flickr.com/photos/hawkey/116429136/

Stay protected, get tested, know your partner.  

A young woman who is a member of the church that I attend off and on, one whom I’ve always admired and who speaks and carries herself so well, disclosed on Saturday that she is HIV positive.  Although this bright young lady had testified on several occasions that she was diagnosed with a chronic illness; because she also spoke and made soaps for breast cancer awarenes, I assumed she was a breast cancer survivor or was in treatment for breast cancer.  This beautiful, bright young lady, who is glowing with  outwardly good health and youthfullness, had such a bright outlook and positive demeanor. . . She is truly an inspiration.  Although she contracted the disease from a boy friend, who knowingly withheld his condition from her, she acknowledges total responsibility.  She is often approached by young men for dates, phone numbers, etc.  She tells each of these prospects that she is indeed HIV positive.   There reaction is often a real wake up call.

Great German advertisement explaining the anonymity of AIDS.    Courtesy of Jayo http://www.flickr.com/photos/thejayblog/319707946/

Remind your friends, your children, and your love ones to never take chances with their lives – you can not determine a person’s condition from their appearance or actions:  Wrap it Up!     Also, get tested!  It’s easy and painless.  It only involves a simple saliva swab.  You will want to know in order to start proper treatment and to ensure that you do not unknowingly pass on this potentially deadly disease.
Life is beautiful and it is to be cherished by all. Pause, think about life and spread a little awareness around on AIDS Awareness Month. Encourage everyone to talk about the menace of HIV.

I’m lighting a candle for those who I know are HIV or AIDs victims.  If you would like to place a candle for victims of HIV, feel free to add that person in the comments. I will place a candle to each name added.

candle41.gif Carlisa Ross (Departed November 2004)

candle41.gif Maurice Bell (Departed)

candle41.gif Lenny D’Amico

candle41.gif Joe D’Amico

candle41.gif Joe Masiell

candle41.gif Jeff David White


"He’s My Brother"

The road is long
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
Who knows where
But I’m strong
Strong enough to carry him
He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.

So on we go
His welfare is my concern
No burden is he to bear
We’ll get there
For I know
He would not encumber me
He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother. 

If I’m laden at all
I’m laden with sadness
That everyone’s heart
Isn’t filled with the gladness
Of love for one another.

It’s a long, long road
From which there is no return
While we’re on our way to there
Why not share
And the load
Doesn’t weigh me down at all
He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.

by Sidney Russell and Robert Scott, (C)1977 Harrison Music Corp., Jenny Music (ASCAP)