Looking in the Mirror

Spiritual Revelations for those seeking Humanity in Humans ~~CordieB.

Archive for hatred

Friday Flash 55 – Venom

Venom by !DagoDesign on Deviant Art

Venom by !DagoDesign on Deviant Art

Vicious words spit from
the venomous tongue
are far more deadly
than the bite of a
poisonous snake…
for at least
 the snake’s
can be mutated
the bite of the
poisonous tongue quickly,
and deliberately
the spirit-
the venomous tongue
often leaves
 permanent damage
to the hearts of the multitude


Submitted for the G-Man’s, AKA, Mr. Knowitall, Fabulous Friday Flash 55.

Quote for the Day:  Sticks and Stones may Break my Bones, but Words Hurt Long After the Initial Blow.  ~CordieB.

In reality, words can and often do hurt.  However, the spiritual individual is able to counter hurtful or false words with self knowledge and truth.  The spiritual individual will not allow the ego to manefest the hurtful words in his or her heart; for she or he knows the beauty in their being and the truth in their hearts.   Also, those who live by the spirit, will not spit hateful words to others or himself.  For it is the ego that constantly battles with the spirit to speak hurt, hatred or falsehood, in order to make the ego feel good about itself.   Remember when mom told you that kids teased you in order to make them feel big – well she was correct in her wisdom.  Some adults have not grown beyond their childhood and continue to tell lies or  say hurtful things simply to make themself look big by making others look small.  It is sad actually – the insecurities and fears of some people.   The next time you are tempted to say or speak a hurtful word, remind yourself that it is your ego and insecurities which tempt you to do so.  Beckon the love, truth and wisdom of your spirit to manifest itself.  When we practice walking and talking in the way of our core self (spirit),  and what we know to be true in our hearts, we will neither utter nor absorb hurtful and/or false words. 

~Peace, Light and Love…..CordieB.

There Will Be Blood

The Blood Tree, courtesty of ~Ksaad, under a creative commons license

The Blood Tree, courtesty of ~Ksaad, under a creative commons license . Growing veins of sorrow and complications are the seeds that we have sown from our vengeance, hatred, racism, power and craving for more. So long for a cleanse.

There will be blood if we simply look the other way

There will be blood if we continue our lives the same way

There will be blood if the cycle of violence is not forsaken

There will be blood if a life for another life is taken

There will be blood if we continue to fight hatred with hate

There will be blood if we abandon solutions to rehabilitate  rejuvinate

There will be blood if we neglect to teach our young to love

There will be blood if we don’t love our neighbors, inspite of

There will be blood.

There will be more blood.

There wll be an endless,

forever increasing,

cycle of blood. . .


there is no more blood.

~Written by CordieB

Quote for the Day

Deep inside even the most seemingly evil of beings lies a seed of love; it is that seed we must strive to rejuvinate and  cultivate.  When we hate the evil, we only cultivate more hatred ~CordieB.

Peace, Light and Love… 

Christ was about Love! Period. All other agendas are our own.

Artwork entitled, "Wingless, courtesy of  ~n1kkeisat0

The Christ Child, By CordieB

Away in a manger a long time ago…
a babe  was born who longed to bring hope.
Three fourths of humanity worship the birth of this child
Yet, so few of us walk the path of the meek and the mild…

So few of strive to love our fellow man…
Though we hate and despise, we worship the Man
So often we use Christ life’s purpose in vain
So few of us love our neighbors as Christ so diligently taught
We’ve turned his his walk into commercialism; that can only be brought

In stores to perhaps give a temporary smile
to those who can afford it…perhaps for a while
While others lay hungry, homeless and poor
we bustle and hustle to all of the stores . . .
Stressing ourselves out to buy more, more and more

We walk into churches each Sunday for Christ’s Sake
pointing fingers at those who have lost all their faith
due to heartless believers who so often spur hate
and pay all our dues to for a religious retreat
yet somewhere a family is cold;  abandoned, with nothing to eat

We speak of our Jesus with majestic love for the Man
never practicing that which He stood for– love for all humans
In fact we even practice hatred in His Holy name
and swear it is Christ-like to inflict such pain

Christ walked this earth to teach us to love
In hope that we not destroy humanity and the earth thereof
When will we practice the lessons taught by the babe who was born
in a manger to parents who were poor, ostracized and forlorn . . . ?

Let us remember the reason for the season by loving our neighbors and start treating others as we would have others treat us.  Christ was about LOVE, PERIOD.  All other agendas we may have are our own.  Let us strive to keep this in mind this season and all seasons.

As always, Peace, Light and Love. . . CordieB.

A Spiritual Riddle – The Most Demon-Like Spirit of All Times

Photo courtesy of daphid and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Some say I’m the most demonic-like spirit of all times;

I have been responsible for a many cacoethes crimes.

I’m the most wrathful spirit known to touch the hearts of men

If not put in check, I can cause all types of vengeful sin.

My rampant rage is likened to a storm weathered battered sea;

My face can become so distorted, you would not even recognize me.

I am red, blue hot; flaming fierier than hell in a forest fire;

I am truly not myself; and you know what?. . . the devil truly is a liar!

I am completely irrational; incoherrent, and out of control;

My emotional complexities reach down to the depths of the very soul;

Don’t come near me; don’t look at me, don’t dare say one word.

Because, I can only hear my own anger and my vision is blurred.

I’m sometimes tamed and charmed by sensual music; a little wine and dance;

But, If I were the object of my desire, I would not even take that chance.

My eyes are bloodshot red with a glimmer of green, and I tremble from inside;

There’s a thin line between love and hate; but it’s not love; perhaps hateful pride.

Whatever it is, take heed my love–for you have been forwarned!

Don’t touch me; Stay your distance; Run for cover, I am the spirit of . . . (Click below for the answer)

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