Looking in the Mirror

Spiritual Revelations for those seeking Humanity in Humans ~~CordieB.

Archive for spiritual starvation

Friday Flash 55 – Venom

Venom by !DagoDesign on Deviant Art

Venom by !DagoDesign on Deviant Art

Vicious words spit from
the venomous tongue
are far more deadly
than the bite of a
poisonous snake…
for at least
 the snake’s
can be mutated
the bite of the
poisonous tongue quickly,
and deliberately
the spirit-
the venomous tongue
often leaves
 permanent damage
to the hearts of the multitude


Submitted for the G-Man’s, AKA, Mr. Knowitall, Fabulous Friday Flash 55.

Quote for the Day:  Sticks and Stones may Break my Bones, but Words Hurt Long After the Initial Blow.  ~CordieB.

In reality, words can and often do hurt.  However, the spiritual individual is able to counter hurtful or false words with self knowledge and truth.  The spiritual individual will not allow the ego to manefest the hurtful words in his or her heart; for she or he knows the beauty in their being and the truth in their hearts.   Also, those who live by the spirit, will not spit hateful words to others or himself.  For it is the ego that constantly battles with the spirit to speak hurt, hatred or falsehood, in order to make the ego feel good about itself.   Remember when mom told you that kids teased you in order to make them feel big – well she was correct in her wisdom.  Some adults have not grown beyond their childhood and continue to tell lies or  say hurtful things simply to make themself look big by making others look small.  It is sad actually – the insecurities and fears of some people.   The next time you are tempted to say or speak a hurtful word, remind yourself that it is your ego and insecurities which tempt you to do so.  Beckon the love, truth and wisdom of your spirit to manifest itself.  When we practice walking and talking in the way of our core self (spirit),  and what we know to be true in our hearts, we will neither utter nor absorb hurtful and/or false words. 

~Peace, Light and Love…..CordieB.