Looking in the Mirror

Spiritual Revelations for those seeking Humanity in Humans ~~CordieB.

Archive for Awareness

From Lush to Love

This poem was written in response to Simply Snickers Prompt. This week’s words were look, line, and lush. This week, we celebrate the birthday of French Impressionist and Pointillist painter Camille Pissarro, who was born on July 10, 1830.  Thanks Linda for the inspiration on this one.   I was also inspired by a recent post written by Tobeme, End of the Rope.  Thanks, Tobeme!

Woman Hanging Laundry by Cammile Pissaro, 1887
Woman Hanging Laundry by Cammile Pissaro, 1887


From Lush to Love

In the very back of the garden, behind the evergreen bush

resides a homeless gent who years ago was labeled a lush

life had dealt him a bad hand; he’d reached the end of his rope

so he drowned his misery and pain and gave up all hope

and as life would have it, with a bottle of wine at his table

the poor gent became just what his peers had labeled

In the middle of the garden under the bright sunshine

stood a single mother hanging cloths on the line

She knew the pain of being judged and ostracized

Yet with the faith of her being, above all obstacles she’d rised

she found a loving connection with the man at her garden’s inn

so she made it a point that he’d have at least one friend

so each day after retrieving her cloths off the line

she’d invite him into her home for a hot meal and wine

he’d tell her the stories that lead to his fall from grace

to each sad story she’d give a positive spin in its place

she reminded him he had a beautiful soul and loving heart

as time moved on he embraced each day with a fresh new start

he developed a positive out look on life and love

Discovering his his true self, he became aligned thereof

and as life would have it, with a bottle of wine  at the table…

the peaceful gent became just what the kind mother had labeled


Another Quote for the Day:  Don’t let ’em steal your joy ~Sinbad

Quote for the Day:  We are what we believe we are. ~CordieB.

Peace, Light and Love. . . .


A Spiritual Riddle – This spirit questioned right from wrong

Once upon a midnight blue
When you were me and I were you
And everything was tried and true
A dark spirit of our selves shown through

Though my eyes were brown and yours were blue
We at first appreciated the differences in hue
Why they were different, we had no clue
But embraced the beauty, through and through

Then on that midnight starry night
The gods awakened, causing stress and fright
Fear was something we had never known
Whether close together or all alone

We had all we ever needed or ever would
We could achieve anything that ever could
But on that dark night, once upon
The gods became bored of creation . . .
And so the games of life begun . . .

"How can we make them not forsee
That they are one and all as we?
How can we make them entertain
If they know that all are one and one’s the same?"

And so the god of unimpressed
Purposed to put forth a simple test
No pain was known to men back then
It was invented to see how best
Two lives would deal, and who would win
Pain produced me; thus I produced what you call sin.

Sadly the test failed miserably
Soon you became you and I became me
And so the gods changed destiny…
of how life was suppose to be.

This spirit often called out of name
Whose first intent was to bear blame
To make you look at me as I
And question differences to why
We were not exactly both the same

This spirit questioned right from wrong
And high from low and short from long
Discarded the weak, embraced the strong;
And though we both stood side by side
And knew no thing of foolish pride
This spirit borne proudness so great
That pride turned quickly into hate

As pain was never in the original plan;
For any living creature, including man.
Back then we were much like the beautiful tree
Who gives all of herself and love just to be . . .
And co-create in God’s creativity….
No pain is felt by the morning glory
Who each morning tells a most lovely story
The grass is not pained by the trample of man
She embraces the walks on her bountiful land

I’m told the Creation God attempted to correct this aweful woe
By instilling in animals, knowledge of everything they’d ever need or know…
But most humans remained retarded in their abilities
To  see the the forest through the trees…
For despite having knowledge to eliminate pain’s dark shadow
Pain’s offspring remained, Who am I . . . (Click below for Riddle Answer)

Read the rest of this entry »

December is AIDS Awareness Month (Re-Posting)

HIV test result in hand. At an HIV and AIDS clinic in Lilongwe, Malawi.   Photo Courtesy of Shawn Hawkeye http://www.flickr.com/photos/hawkey/116429136/

Stay protected, get tested, know your partner.  

A young woman who is a member of the church that I attend off and on, one whom I’ve always admired and who speaks and carries herself so well, disclosed on Saturday that she is HIV positive.  Although this bright young lady had testified on several occasions that she was diagnosed with a chronic illness; because she also spoke and made soaps for breast cancer awarenes, I assumed she was a breast cancer survivor or was in treatment for breast cancer.  This beautiful, bright young lady, who is glowing with  outwardly good health and youthfullness, had such a bright outlook and positive demeanor. . . She is truly an inspiration.  Although she contracted the disease from a boy friend, who knowingly withheld his condition from her, she acknowledges total responsibility.  She is often approached by young men for dates, phone numbers, etc.  She tells each of these prospects that she is indeed HIV positive.   There reaction is often a real wake up call.

Great German advertisement explaining the anonymity of AIDS.    Courtesy of Jayo http://www.flickr.com/photos/thejayblog/319707946/

Remind your friends, your children, and your love ones to never take chances with their lives – you can not determine a person’s condition from their appearance or actions:  Wrap it Up!     Also, get tested!  It’s easy and painless.  It only involves a simple saliva swab.  You will want to know in order to start proper treatment and to ensure that you do not unknowingly pass on this potentially deadly disease.
Life is beautiful and it is to be cherished by all. Pause, think about life and spread a little awareness around on AIDS Awareness Month. Encourage everyone to talk about the menace of HIV.

I’m lighting a candle for those who I know are HIV or AIDs victims.  If you would like to place a candle for victims of HIV, feel free to add that person in the comments. I will place a candle to each name added.

candle41.gif Carlisa Ross (Departed November 2004)

candle41.gif Maurice Bell (Departed)

candle41.gif Lenny D’Amico

candle41.gif Joe D’Amico

candle41.gif Joe Masiell

candle41.gif Jeff David White


"He’s My Brother"

The road is long
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
Who knows where
But I’m strong
Strong enough to carry him
He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.

So on we go
His welfare is my concern
No burden is he to bear
We’ll get there
For I know
He would not encumber me
He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother. 

If I’m laden at all
I’m laden with sadness
That everyone’s heart
Isn’t filled with the gladness
Of love for one another.

It’s a long, long road
From which there is no return
While we’re on our way to there
Why not share
And the load
Doesn’t weigh me down at all
He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.

by Sidney Russell and Robert Scott, (C)1977 Harrison Music Corp., Jenny Music (ASCAP)

Effective Love

Mother and Daughter Relationship ~CordieB

Imagine if You Will . . .

If all little girls were loved by their mothers . . .

If all little boys were loved by their dads . . .

Perhaps the world would be a better place, perhaps?

Is this not how the Bible teaches us that God loves us,

Yet .  . .the world is not a better place.


Because for love to be effective in making our world better, there must be a relationship.

A relationship involves relating–communicating, and sharing of ourselves others.

Love from afar without any form of relationship bonding

is about as ineffective in making the world a better place as hatred.

Are not we all made of God? . . . Is God not inherit in each of us?

In order that we build a loving relationship with God, we must build relationships with ourselves and other human beings.

We must build  loving relationships with inhabitants of the Earth. 

Not to a far away supreme being in the sky.

~~Written by CordieB.