Looking in the Mirror

Spiritual Revelations for those seeking Humanity in Humans ~~CordieB.

Archive for July, 2008

The Saddest Thing I’ve Ever Learned

Abuse by ~xchildofvasolinex on deviant ART

When I was a girl

I would sit and listen to my auntees

and other older woman talk

about having to marry men they did not love

and how they eventually "learned to love."

I thought that was about the saddest

thing that anyone could ever do;

to marry someone and have to "learn to love"

was, in my opinion, the most sadistic,

most saddest, existence I could imagine . . .

until I grew up and I married

a knight in shining armour . . .

who turned out to be

a nightmare in shining armour . . .

and I began to . . .

"Learn to Hate"

~Written by CordieB

P.S.  This is in the past. . . We divorced years ago. . .

For information on Domestic Violence, visit TallT’s Blog .  She, painfully, yet bravely, tells her story and reaches out to anyone who may be living in this sad and dangerous situation.  She is a trooper who also was able to bravely walk   run away and awaken from a nightmare in shining armour.

As I Was Going to See Saint I’s


Afro American Girl literally by ~madhatter-asylum on deviant ART

As I was going to see Saint I’s

I met a woman by big surprise!

Who shocked me when I realized

That she was not as saintly as she’d surmised


As I was going to see Saint I’s

I met a woman who’d cheated and lied

Who’d broken many promises in life . . .

and caused hearts to break; causing toil and strife


As I was going to see Saint I’s

I met a broken-hearted woman with blackened eyes

Who’d allowed destructive relationships to take its toll

On her body; her mind; damn near her soul!


As I was going to see Saint I’s

I met a woman with many nights of cries

Though many were brought upon herself . . .

she often blamed Saint Someone Else


As I was going to see Saint I’s

I soon become to realize

how Saint I’s choices help prophesize

her destiny and life’s Karmic reprise


As I was going to see Saint I’s

I begin to forgive past and future hurts and lies

I forgave Saint I’s for her saintly disguise

To Saints lack and fear, I gladly said my goodbyes


As I finally arrived to see Saint I’s

I met Saints Love , Forgiveness , Courage, Truth and Wise

Five beautiful spirits; in motion; yet spiritually still

These saints introduced me to Saint "Free Will "


As I was getting to better know Saint I’s

I became increasingly mesmerized by her changed demise

Forgiveness of self and others helped her to arrive and arise

Courage and Truth began to replace those fears and lies

Love began to clear up those bloodshot eyes . . .


In time Saint I’s lost her Saintly hood

Life started flowing like God intended it should

Her cup ran over with a cloudy, yet rainbowed sky

Thus, she dropped the Saint and became simply I


Love, Hatred, Courage, Fear, Truth and Lies . . . .

How many were going to see Saint I’s?


~Written by I (CordieB)

The Sands of Ebony Time

The Sands of Ebony Time, Photo Courtesy of CordieB and G; AKA GLove

The Sands of Ebony Time Shows on My Face
The bitter – sweetness of life and love leaves its trace
From whence an infant of purity and subtle innocence
To the ageless beauty of a woman’s essense
The lines shown around my deep brown eyes
Map a life of much laughter, joys and cries
My hands are wearing down like melten butter
From years of living love; caring for self and others

The expressions on my face reflect so clear
Wisdom and insight gained throughout the years
Living and loving through thick and thin
Embracing God’s grace and mercy of love within

Sharing my gift of love with countless souls
Experiencing the allness of life as time takes its toll
On the temporary shell for my spirit as life’s novel reveals
More mysteries for the heart; if my Creator so wills

Reeping the blessing of so many souls
Gracious of the puzzle that makes life whole
For me as the time passes so quickly it seems
Like only yesterday, I dreamth my very first dreams

As the sands of time harmonize with the winds of fate
that causes all soul’s shells to disinigrate and dissipate
but love and the inner soul survives, energizes and recreates
Thus the cycle of life recycles to invigorate . .

The newborne babe who starts life anew
Through his eyes and cries he reaches out to me and you.
In the eyes of the young we realize life’s wonders beginning again;
Awsomely, were all intricately weaved in a bigger plan . . .

To ensure that love for life continues on . . .
By sharing love, wisdom and knowlege when we inspire and pass on. . .
the Hands of Ebony Time’s blessed love-life seed
To all kindred spirits whose souls we feed.

~Written By CordieB.

PS.  If you read this on my pictorial blog; it has changed somewhat.  Of course I didn’t change one of my most dearest reader’s favorite line in the poem.  I write this to remind us that although age takes its toll on the body, love and time makes the spirit stronger indeed.  Pass on your love and embrace the love of others to ensure that your spirit remains strong yet gentle.  For one sweet day when the spirit’s shell is ready for rest, you will find peace, joy and comfort in the love you’ve given and received. 

Peace, Light and Love, CordieB.


A poet friend of mine, Paisley,   introduced me to Cynthia, who’s blog, epiphany: amour habito intus vos, graces the blog world with luscious “poemflesh ” every day, ( and will continue to do so until the epiphany 2009 ).  Cynthia recently challenged her readers to create what she has christened an “ophelia poem ”.. her description of which, is as follows:
"seven to fourteen words, 2 lines, line 1 is the shortest. love, melancholia, romance, erotic, with a slightly dark edge."

Here is my version of the "Ophelia Poem."

Under the moonlight, she seduced him . . .
with her lips . . .tempting him to bite into her red painted succulence.


If you are reading this, consider yourself tagged.

P.S.  This really did happen on my first date with G.  LoL